Good Morning Quotes of Sri Amit Ray

Morning Thoughts are the Best Thoughts of the Day

Jeff Coleman
4 min readAug 1, 2019
You need to find out, what you love most — Amit Ray Success Quotes

These ten morning quotes of Sri, Amit Ray, is to inspire and motivate you to be more positive, confident and encouraging. I hope this morning inspirations will motivate you.

This is to provide a daily thought which you can use throughout the day to make your life better. This is the best way to start your day.

1. Everyday is a Good Day:

Do you know what you want to have achieved by the end of today? If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Without goals you lack focus and direction. Sri Amit Ray said “Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate.”

Good Morning Quotes

2. Positive Thinking:

Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results. A positive person anticipates happiness, health and success, and believes he or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty.

Sri Amit Ray said “Every morning is a new opportunity to get up with new energies to overcome the challenges of life and fulfill the dreams. Everyday is a day to learn and grow.” Your attitude is considered as the sole determinant of the impact an event has on you.

Positive Thinking — Quotes

3. Every moment is to Rise up and Move Forward:

Positive people are able to recognize that problems are not obstacles that get in the way but are new opportunities for creativity and problem solving. Every moment is a new moment to rise up and move forward into the victory, God has prepared for you.

Sri Amit Ray said, “Every moment is auspicious. There is always some magic in it. Every moment is a new moment to rise up and move forward into the victory.”

4. Receive the Blessings of the Day:

There are many blessings in disguise that aren’t always apparent to us, and many of these blessings are afforded to us simply for being alive! As long as we have life, we can learn to be grateful for it, and uncover our unique human blessings despite the hardships.

Sri Amit Ray said, “Every day, bring some flowers to your life and bring some blessings in someone’s life.”

5. Send your Blessings to the World:

We all love beautiful flowers. They have such a power to brighten our day. If you maintain a positive attitude, this will be infectious and those around you will pick up on your positive energy. Sri Amit Ray said; “Every day smell the fragrance of the flower and send your blessings to the world.”

6. Understand the Story of the Day:

My commitment is to help you to live your life with Joy. I would like to remind you that Every day is a new day filled with limitless possibilities. “Every morning has a unique story. There are always some seeds of possibilities waiting to sprout.” — Amit Ray

7. Expand Your Horizons:

We always here the advice “always expand your horizons” When I was younger, I was confused and skeptical as to why I was always being told to make sure I did this. What does expanding your horizons really mean? It means learning or experiencing something you never have, or opening yourself up to new ideas and opinions. Sri Amit Ray Said, “Every morning is a new opportunity to enrich our lives and to understand and expand the best in our life.”

8. Welcome the New Opportunities:

It requires courage to abandon our comfort zone and try welcoming something new, which can be difficult. Every day you are greeted with a new lights to take on the day. Sri Amit Ray said, “Wake up; the world is waiting for your sunny energy. You are the inspiration for many.”

9. Life is a Gift:

Life is a gift, I want to make you happy. I am blessed. I thought I would take you where the music is sweetest. And feed you winter fruits and summer wines. I’ll show you things you’d only see in story books. Sri Amit Ray said, “Every morning is a gift of life — bring some smile on your face and welcome the happiness of life.”

10. Identify your True Purpose of Life:

When you set your foundations properly, you will activate more positive energies, gain better balance. When you set your foundations properly, you will activate more positive energies, gain better balance.

Sri Amit Ray said, “You need to find out, what you love most from the core of your heart, and for success you need to invest your time and energy on that.”

I hope this will give you lot of sparks and fresh energy in the morning. Best wishes for the new happy mornings in your life. Thanks.



Jeff Coleman

Technology and AI Consultant. Love to write about personal growth, leadership, inspirational, and management articles.| A loving father ..