Compassionate Artificial Intelligence — AI 5.0

What is AI 5.0? Everything you need to know

The latest news, views and developments in the world of AI 5.0

Jeff Coleman
6 min readApr 17, 2018


Noted AI scientist and spiritual master, Dr. Amit Ray, in his seminal book , Compassionate Artificial Superintelligence introduced the term AI 5.0 as a core concept for the future development of artificial intelligence. Here, I would like to argue the vision, benefits and the validity of the AI 5.0 concept.

We are now entering into in a new era of intelligent and super-intelligent machines. No doubt, the new ear will be driven by artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Quantum computing, Drone, Blockchain and nanotechnologies. These are rapidly bringing significant changes in economy and society. These technologies are removing all narrow barriers like linguistic barrier, country barrier to bring total well-being of humanity. From smartphones, smart home to smart cities, technology is playing a major role in advancing humanity and transforming the society.

AI 5.0 is the label given to the gradual and highest joint evolution of AI and humanity. AI is a big threat for humanity as well as a huge force to transform the society. As Jonathan Verrecchia in his open latter on super-intelligence said “ AI will soon have, the power to create, heal, and love, but also the power to hurt and kill.” By 1942 these themes prompted Isaac Asimov to create the “Three Laws of Robotics” — principles hard-wired into all the robots in his fiction, intended to prevent them from turning on their creators, or allow them to come to harm. AI 5.0 will include hard-wired compassion into robots and AI systems. AI systems will become increasingly automated and self-monitoring as the machines within are given the ability to analyse and communicate with each other and their human co-workers, granting society to progress in much smoother processes that free up humanity for other tasks.

In modern times as the prospect of superintelligent AI looms nearer, philosopher Nick Bostrom has said that superintelligent AI systems with goals that are not aligned with human ethics are intrinsically dangerous unless extreme measures are taken to ensure the safety of humanity. He put it this way:

Basically we should assume that a ‘superintelligence’ would be able to achieve whatever goals it has. Therefore, it is extremely important that the goals we endow it with, and its entire motivation system, is ‘human friendly.’

Steve Omohundro says that a sufficiently advanced AI system will, unless explicitly counteracted, exhibit a number of basic “drives”, such as resource acquisition, self-preservation, and continuous self-improvement, because of the intrinsic nature of any goal-driven systems and that these drives will, “without special precautions”, cause the AI to exhibit undesired behavior.

Systems like IBM’s Watson and Google’s Alpha equip artificial neural networks with enormous computing power, and accomplish impressive feats. These are not world-changing consequences; indeed. But they show the power of Artificial Intelligence to change the world.

Timescale of AI 5.0:

AI 5.0 is not a new technology, nor is it a business discipline, but in fact a new approach to achieve the highest standards of human life. With the advancements in technology this may be possible within 5, 10 to 20 years of timescale. It will be an exponential revolution.

AI 5.0: Compassion in Machine:

Increasingly, scientists all over the world feels that consciousness can digitized and can be implemented in machine. Initially, I thought it is absurd. But with emotion-driven deep learning algorithms, I am sure it can be implemented. With the Today, movements toward incorporating not only intelligence but compassion and empathy in to existing technologies, thereby designing and creating previously unknown technology and services are gaining tremendous visibility. We know that “to err is human,” so it is likely impossible for us to create a truly safe system. But robots and AI can build error free systems. I am convinced future lies in designing Deep Compassion based systems.

Dalai Lama said; “Human nature is essentially compassionate and gentle at birth and that anger, violence, and aggression are the result of the unbalanced development or misuse of our intelligence. Intelligence, the same intelligence that has allowed us to be masters of this world, that’s not counterbalanced with compassion can become destructive.” When the Dalai Lama was asked if robots could ever become sentient beings, for instance, he answered that “if the physical basis of the computer acquires the potential or the ability to serve as a basis for a continuum of consciousness. . a stream of consciousness might actually enter into a computer.” In the book, Amit Ray discussed the frameworks for install that steam of consciousness in machine with Quantum computation and machine learning algorithms.

Compassionate Machine: The New Revolution

The first industrial revolution saw Britain move from farming to factory production in the 19th Century. The second spanned the period from the 1850s to World War I and began with the introduction of steel, culminating in the early electrification of factories and the first spouts of mass production. Finally, the third industrial revolution refers to the change from analogue, mechanical, and electronic technology to digital technology that took place from the late 1950s to the late 1970s. The fourth, then, is the move towards digitization, computer, Internet and smartphones. The Fifth, then, will be the Compassionate Artificial Intelligence.

Stages of Compassionate AI

In the book, Amit Ray classified compassionate AI into three groups. He said:

“Compassionate AI systems can can be classified into three groups; Narrow Compassionate AI, General Compassionate AI and Compassionate Superintelligence. Narrow Compassionate AI deals with narrow domains like looking after elderly people, helping blind people, assisting healthcare services. General Compassionate AI will help humanity at higher levels in an integrated infrastructure. It deals with social pains from higher levels. Finally, the Compassionate Superintelligence will save humanity from nuclear war, earth quake and other disasters.” — Amit Ray

Cindy Mason, an AI researcher who has also worked with mind-body medicine at Stanford University Medical Center, believes neuroplasticity and new discoveries of the hormone oxytocin mean compassionate intelligence is essential in AI systems that exhibit socially positive behaviors. She has proposed a set of software engineering principles for engineering kindness that includes a pro-human stance and an architecture for giving robots compassion.

Implementation and Public policy

Implementing compassionate AI is must for the long-term survival of the humanity. Public-private partnership has to be created to bring Compassionate AI makers together to share ideas about safety, security and privacy, something like the International Atomic Energy Agency. There should be a long-term plan that will engage academic and commercial research and development for Compassionate AI for the benefit of humanity.


Some critics believe that both compassionate AI and superintelligence are unlikely. Some critics question whether it is possible for an artificial intelligence to be compassionate. But as the technology is progressing that view is diminishing.

Sum up:

There is a burning question such as: How will AI save or destroy humanity? Sri Amit Ray, Dalai Lama are the main proponents of peace, harmony and compassion in the modern world. Sri Ray introduced the term AI 5.0 for compassionate artificial intelligence for the benefits of humanity. Right now we are taking baby steps to build and evolve AI systems. But soon we will evolve machines that can execute more complex tasks and have much better general intelligence. Ultimately we hope to create truly compassionate superintelligence.

We must consider alongside to bring a broad range of governments and other people what kind of society we want to build, what is needed to do so, and how to develop compassionate machine and human society. We hope that efforts to realize AI 5.0 will save the humanity.



Jeff Coleman

Technology and AI Consultant. Love to write about personal growth, leadership, inspirational, and management articles.| A loving father ..